Batiste's Collies

Puppy Contract

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This Contract is Between Batiste's Collies and,



Phone:________________ Email:____________________________________________


Description of dog:

Breed:________________ DOB________________


AKC Litter #__________________

Sire: ____________________________ Dam___________________________________

Date of Sale: __________Deposit:________ Purchase Price:________ Balance: _______


We guarantee the puppy to be in good health and free of life threatening diseases or disabilities for 72 hours after delivery to the Buyer. Validation of the guarantee requires examination of your puppy by a vet of choice within 72 hours from the time the buyer takes possession of the puppy.


We are not responsible for Parvo, Distemper, Corona Virus as these are highly contagious diseases and can be transmitted immediately after leaving the breeder. We do not guarantee against Coccidiosis, Guardia or worms. Please keep your puppy off of unknown surfaces until the puppy is at least 16 weeks of age and has had all their vaccinations. This will help prevent them from contracting parvo and distemper or any other communiable diseases.

 *Coccidosis is a bacterial infection brought on by stress or diet change. Shipping and sudden changes in food can trigger an episode of this in some puppies that experience stress and fear during these processes. As a new owner just keep in mind the puppy you purchase is kept in the cleanest environment possible and may still present you with coccidia upon arrival in a new environment solely due to the stress of change.

*Guardia is an infection brought on by infected drinking water.

*Worms recycle often, and it is important that you maintain a good worming program.


If it is found not to be in good health by a licensed Veterinarian, the breeder will replace the puppy upon the return of the puppy to the breeder, at the purchasers' expense. The breeder reserves the right to have the puppy checked by a licensed Veterinarian before the first available puppy replaces the pup. If the breeder replaces the puppy, the purchaser is responsible for the air fare, crate and health certificate. An autopsy report of the deceased puppy is required before the puppy will be replaced. The buyer shall incur all vet bills.

There is a $100.00 nonrefundable deposit required to hold the puppy. If for some reason, you cannot get the puppy or change your mind, you will loose the total deposit you put down. If you put a deposit down on a puppy requesting a certain color or sex, it can not be guaranteed until the birth of the puppy. If the puppy is being shipped, the balance has to be paid in full when the puppy reaches 8 weeks of age.

The new owners pay for all shipping as well as a shipping carrier and a health certificate.. You can pick an airline of your choice, or we will pick one for you. The puppy is taken to the airport and is carried on by an employee. At the destination the puppy will be carried to the airline office where he or she can be picked up.


The breeder is NOT responsible for any vet bills the purchaser may incur regarding said puppy.

The breeder is NOT responsible for any shipping fees, crates, and health certificate needed to deliver puppy safely.

The contract is null and void if:

1. The dog is not current on his/her shots.

2. The dog is bred, sold or put to sleep without prior consent of the breeder or if I am not contacted within 24 hours if a problem occurs.

3. The puppy is not taken to a licensed veterinarian within 72 hours for an exam.

4. The puppy is not permanently registered in the new owners name.

5. The puppy of his/her offspring's are sold to pet stores, pet brokers, puppy mills, auctions or any other undesirable prospects.

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